INfluenza Vaccine to Effectively Stop cardioThoracic Events and Decompensated heart failure Trial
Influenza and Heart Disease
People with heart disease who become infected with influenza are more likely to have heart attacks and those with heart failure are more likely to be hospitalized.
Yearly vaccination for influenza has been shown to reduce the risk of major cardiac-related events.
What Are We Studying?
The purpose of the trial is to see if an investigational high-dose influenza vaccine is able to safely reduce heart or lung-related problems compared to standard dose influenza vaccine.
All participants will receive influenza vaccine, but they will be randomly assigned to receive either the standard dose vaccine or an investigational high dose form of the vaccine.
Who Will Be Enrolled?
Individuals over 18 years of age with at least one heart disease risk factor as well as a history of heart attack (within the past year) or hospitalization for heart failure (within the past 2 years).
Individuals who have already received a flu shot this season are not eligible for enrollment.